WorkTracker 1.4.0 Released

Yes, you read that right. I have released a feature update for my WorkTracker tool. There was one little annoyance that I worked around by using copy and paste and since it was just a few key strokes, I didn’t bother. But in my renewed motivation to do some coding, I thought that it’s about time this issue goes to hell. And now it’s being grilled by Lucifer.Read More »

Apple WWDC 2018 Announcements – A few thoughts

As I do every year, I watched the Apple WWDC 2018 keynote, for personal entertainment purposes as well as a genuine interest in what Apple is doing. The same is also true for both Google’s and Microsoft’s developer conferences. This is not a comprehensive summary as done by other Apple news sites and blogs, but rather  a few thoughts on what I’ve seen and how it may or may not affect me.

iOS Update Strategy

Every year, and with good reason, Apple mocks Google’s Android platform for lagging behind in the software update department. This year was no different, as was to be expected, but in addition to that they emphasized the support of devices dating back to 2013. Five-year-old iPhones and iPads! Take that Android.Read More »