Assassin’s Creed Valhalla: A Reason Not To Play?

The next Assassin’s Creed will let you play as a Viking that is trying to settle in a new world with his tribe. I am genuinely excited about the setting. As a person that likes Metal music, I have certainly come in contact with Norse Mythology by ways of Amon Amarth and other bands. There is also a bit of that in some of the Marvel movies and a lot of that in the Netflix show Vikings.

Now what does that have to do with not wanting to play Assassin’s Creed Valhalla?

It is about the premise. You and your tribe sailing to England and taking land by force. The last part is the important one: “taking land by force”. From what is known about the game at the time of writing this blog post, one central element of the game will likely be that you and your comrades must raid random villages to expand your settlement. That means threatening or even killing innocent people, robbing them of their goods and burning down their houses. You are basically starting a war and civilians will be caught in the crossfire. That is what I have an issue with.

It is a similar experience with the Netflix Vikings show. I am not sure if I should like it or not – ignoring that sometimes it moves very slowly and treads on the brink of utter boredom.

I am not averse to violence in games. Apart from the Anno series and maybe some racing games like Dirt, almost everything I play revolves around violence – now that I think about it… that’s kind of sad. But I do not want to swing the anti-violence Mjölnir and debate whether violence in games is good or bad. I am certainly not that morally correct, at least not in video games. However, there is something about purposefully harming innocent civilians that makes me think twice.

It is too early to know anything for sure and I am basing my opinion on trailers and discussions that you can find on the YouTube. It is just something that came to mind and made me think about it for a moment. It depends on how violence in general, and with regards to the raids in this game in particular, is implemented. I hope it will not just be a mindless slaughter.

Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL) Docker: error storing credentials – err: exit status 1, out: Cannot autolaunch D-Bus without X11 $DISPLAY

Recently at work, when copying an application from our internal Docker Registry to Azure, I ran into the following error in my WSL Ubuntu installation.

Login at
Error saving credentials: error storing credentials - err: exit status 1, out: `Cannot autolaunch D-Bus without X11 $DISPLAY`
ERROR: source registry login failed

The easiest fix I found was to install the gnupg2 and pass packages.

sudo apt install gnupg2 pass 

One important thing to note regarding security: the output mentioned storing the credentials in plain text as a result somewhere in the WSL user’s /home directory. If you are very conscious about where passwords are stored, do not use this solution or remove the password file afterwards. That’s good enough for me at the moment, I just needed to get this to work somehow.