Star Wars Jedi Fallen Order Review

It was until the end of 2019 when the Star Wars franchise was blessed with another game that truly deserves to be part of the Star Wars universe. The last good Star Wars game I played was Bioware’s Knights of the Old Republic – and that was 2004! There were a few others in between and I may have played some. None left a lasting impression though, or otherwise I might still remember bits and pieces of them. And what did players get in recent history? Battlefront is what comes to mind. Well, it may have the Star Wars branding and characters and weapons and sounds. But to me, Star Wars is about a science-fiction fantasy story, a fairy tale if you will. I am not interested in a multiplayer shooter when I think about a Star Wars game. I am interested in an adventure and an adventure is what you get with Jedi Fallen Order. Is it a good adventure? Well, that is what I am here to tell you about.

Star Wars Jedi Fallen Order is a story driven, 3rd person action adventure. You play as a young Jedi that is hiding on a scrap planet until one day the Empire arrives and turns his life upside down. From there you fight your way through imperial troops, wildlife, and some zombies. Kind of.

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Automate Game Screenshot Capture: Windows API SendInput Function with C++

I am trying to write video game reviews after I have finished a game and I like to add some impressions in the form of screenshots to the reviews. There is one problem though: sometimes it is impossible to press the keyboard shortcut to capture a screenshot because the game requires my full attention – and all my fingers. Therefore, I miss out on a lot of action sequences. What does a programmer do in such a situation? Write a tool that scratches the itch.

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